Tuesday, February 19, 2008

Heart's Desire.

Dear Friends,
I am just writing a message as I am, Chiwa.

Hope your life is filled with blessings, wonder, & love
from the Creator of All That Is.

I have been experiencing energy shift on Earth.
Our consciousness has shifted and still is
in the process.
I am very excited about it.
We are in higher vibration, and we can manifest
our desires more quickly than before.
At least that is what I have been experiencing.

Since our thoughts and feelings create our reality, we can
use that power to manifest our heart's desires with pure intent
with faith & action. Then miracles happen effortlessly.
When we think about what we want, visualize it,
and feel that we have it, it will come to us.

When you think about Angels, you can see them
in the sky(especially as clouds), in people & animals,
in nature or whatever the form you see out there.
They will give you signs that they are there for you!

When you think about God, of course, God shows himself/herself
in whatever form in front of you at that moment.

When you think about abundance, you can identify abundance
in everything you see. Abundance has many forms and
when you expand your consciousness, you will see
that everything is abundant in the universe.

Today, choose to see what you desire in everything
each moment.

If you desire love, choose to see and experience love
now. It is in everyone and in everything.
You have it already.

If you desire Peace, you can choose to see it and experience
it right now. Peace is within you.
Peace is everywhere.

Go within your heart, and ask yourself,
"What is it that I desire from my heart
at this moment?"

You will know the answer.
And choose to experience it now.
It is yours.

Angel blessings to you!

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*Get a Personal Angel Message from your Angels! $33 only.
You will receive one short message through an e-mail.
Send me your full name, age, sex, a question if you have one.

*Professional Angel Readings avalilable! Over the phone or you will receive recorded tape by
mail. $150/per session.

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