Friday, January 4, 2008

New beginning.

Dear Earth Angels,

The New Year is a new biginning.

Allow the past to resolve in the Light.

Choose new.

Choose what you desire in your heart.
And write it down, visualize,
and feel that it is already a realty.

Ask the Creator & Angels
to help you manifest everything you desire effortlessly
for the Highest good of all.

And it is done.

Follow your inner guidance
and take an action to receive.

Year 2008 will be a wonderful year,
a year filled with lots of love, abundance, peace,
joy, & fun!
It will be a year of Oneness & transformation.
Whatever you choose , it becomes your realty.

Choose wisely.

Remeber to choose Light.

Remeber to choose Love.

Peace be with you always.

You are so loved.


*Get personal messages from your angels. Ask a question and you will receive a message through e-mal. $33 per question.

*Professional Angel Reading also available! $150 per session over the phone or you will receive recorded tape. New Year Speical! Only $111 ($39 off!) until the end of January.

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