Thursday, September 24, 2009

How to connect with your Angels

Dear friends,

Angel blessings to you all.

Angels are with you and they are sending you love & light.
They are ready to help you as you ask for help & support.
They can't interfere your life unless you ask.

You can learn to connect with your angels and communicate. You can ask for
some divine guidance, receive healings, & get some support in whatever the situation
you are in.

Here is a simple way to connect with your angels.
This is a techanique from Integrated Energy Therapy that I learned.
(from the book called, "The Healing Angels Of The Energy Field" by Stevan Thayer)

*Connecting to the energy of Angels

Step 1: Offer a prayer of invitation

1. Angel ________, please work with me and through me so that
I may receive your gift of healing.

2. Please guide, direct, surround and protect me.

3. Let me receive energy and information for my highest good and highest healing.

You can create your own prayer as you wish.

Step 2: Establish an Angelic healtlink

1. Awareness: Bring your awareness to your heart center.

2. Gratitude: Offer a prayer of gratitude to your highest power and to the angel of
healing you wish to connect with.

3. Heartlink: Project a golden energy cord, called a heartlink, from your heart up
through your throat, third eye, and crown chakra, up into the highest angelic realm, with the intent of connecting to the heart of this angel.

4. Send energy: Start the flow of energy in the heartlink by sending the energy of love and gratitude from your heart up the heart link to this angel.

5. Receive Energy: Open your heart, and take in the love that this angel is sending to you.
The angels' love will be ten times & more stronger than the love you sent.
Bring the love into your heart, and let it continue to build for about a minutes.

Autmatic Hearlink Activation:
Once you have performed the awareness, gratitude, heartlink, send energy, receive
energy sequence, it will instantly be performed by your subconscious mind each time
you touch your thumb to your middle finger of either hand.

Step 3: Experience the Angel's presence

Once the heart link is established, simply open your heart and invite the angels to
work with you and through you. Once you have connected with your angel's energy,
simply sit quietly and experience the angels's presence.

You can ask for divine guidance, healings, or whatever you wish to receive
from your angels.

When you feel complete, thank your angel and release.

Step 4: Discernment

You must always practice discernment. Listen to what they say. Ask yourself if it is
truth. Weigh it in your heart. See if it feels right to you. Let go of everything that doesn't
feel right. Angels' messages are ALWAYS loving, positive, and supportive.

Hope you will practice connecting with your angels, and
recevie divine guidance & healing support.

Sending you love, light, & laughter

*Receive Angel Readings/Psychic Readings over the phone or you will receive
a recorded tape in the mail. Distant healings, classes for spiritual tools and
healing, Reiki, Angel class also available! Call Chiwa at 303-215-6073 or e-mail

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