Saturday, January 3, 2009

Happy New Year!!

Dear Friends,

Happy New Year!!

As we start new year, our heart is filled with excitment, hope, & new energy!
We can use this new energy to create our heart's desire.
When we remeber our truth power, there's nothing we can't do in this world.

It is time to for us to set clear intention.

What is it that you truly want in your life?
What actions can you take to manifest all your dreams?

As we clear old patterns, belief systems, emotions, & past experience,
we can bring in new vibraions to create new life.

Ask the Creator to fill you with the resonance of whatever you desire.
and it is done.

Fill in with resonance of love. power. abundance. peace, gratitude,
allowing, detachment, compassion, ease, forgiveness, freedom,
and whatever you want to experience.

It is time to listen to your Soul and follow the guidance
to fulfill your purpose here on Earth.

It is time for you have everything you desire.

Your God/Goddess Self, Soul/Higher Self, Angels, Guides, are
happy to support you to manifest all your heart's desire.

All you have to do is surrender and allow it to happen.

Wishing you a wonderful year of 2009!!

Sending you love & gratitude

*Angel Readings & Soul Readings available! Readings are done over the phone!
E-mail or call at 303-215-6073.

*Learn how to connect with your Angles and communicate with them. You can also receive
healings from your angels. Private sessions available over the phone. Call or e-mail me
to schedule a session.

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